

毕达哥拉斯学派在发现无理数那一刻之前使用的是有理数,那么毕达哥拉斯定理(勾股定理)那时候也就可以看作是在有理数集内成立的定理,但是发现无理数的那位(名叫Hippassus of Metapontum)在不确定两直角边为1的直角三角形的斜边长度是不是有理数来的情况下,就冒然把毕达哥拉斯定理套在这个直角三角形上进一步发现了无理数的存在,这种忽视定理成立范围而乱用定理的做法让我觉得有问题。


现在我认识到这种想法是有问题的,因为那时的毕达哥拉斯学派认为一切长度都可以用有理数度量,这是我找到的佐证:Recall that, to the Pythagoreans, all things were measured by number; that is, by positive integers, or the ratio of two of them1. 所以发现无理数的那位一开始也同样认为斜边长度是有理数,故其对毕达哥拉斯定理的使用并未超出那时其成立的范围——有理数集。


在发现无理数之前的毕达哥拉斯学派为什么会认为一切长度都可以用有理数来度量呢?我认为是两个原因:(1)在数轴上任意小的区间内总有无数个密密麻麻的无理数,以至于乍看之下该区间都被有理数填满的样子——有理数稠密性的体现;(2)现实使用中我们并不追求绝对精确,只要到一定的精确范围就可以了,所以现实生活中用有理数就可以表示我们要衡量的一切长度了(After all, in physical reality quantities are never given or known with absolute precision but always only with a degree of uncertainty and therefore might just as well be considered as measured by rational numbers2.)。“也许”正是因为这两点(此处我懒得再去考古数学史了,所以用了“也许”一词),毕达哥拉斯学派认为有理数已经铺满了整条数轴,才会认为一切长度都可以用有理数来度量。

在弄清本文开头这个问题之前我自己对毕达哥拉斯定理的表述是:直角三角形两直角边的长度的平方的和等于斜边长度的平方。这种表述里提到的“长度”是用数来表示的,也就是说想到勾股定理的时候我更关注的是这三边的数量关系,所以在思考发现无理数过程的勾股定理使用的时候也可能就比较关注勾股定理成立的数系范围,可能也就因此才有了最上面的疑惑。后来我去解决这个问题的时候看了维基百科上面对勾股定理的表述是这样的:平面上以直角三角形斜边长为边的正方形的面积等于以该直角三角形的两直角边为边的两个正方形的面积之和(The area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides),然后又看到了如下的图示证明:





C:\Users\i\Pictures\Area-Rectangle-Demonstration.jpg (1040×720).jpg5

In order to calculate the area of a plane figure we choose as the unit of area a square whose sides are of unit length. If the unit of length is the inch, the corresponding unit of area will be the square inch; i.e. the square whose sides are of length one inch. On the basis of this definition it is very easy to calculate the area of a rectangle. If $ p $ and $ q $ are the lengths of two adjacent sides measured in terms of the unit of length, then the area of the rectangle is $ p q $ square units, or, briefly, the area is equal to the product $ p q . $ This is true for arbitrary $ p $ and $ q, $ rational or not. For rational $ p $ and $ q $ we obtain this result by writing $ p=m / n $ $ q=m^{\prime} / n^{\prime}, $ with integers $ m, n, m^{\prime}, n^{\prime} . $ Then we find the common measure $ 1 / N=1 / n n^{\prime} $ of the two edges, so that $ p=m n^{\prime} \cdot 1 / N, q= $ $ n m^{\prime} \cdot 1 / N . $ Finally, we subdivide the rectangle into small squares of side $ 1 / N $ and area $ 1 / N^{2} . $ The number of such squares is $ n m^{\prime} \cdot m n^{\prime} $ and the total area is $ n m^{\prime} m n^{\prime} \cdot 1 / N^{2}=n m^{\prime} m n^{\prime} / n^{2} n^{\prime 2}=m / n \cdot m^{\prime} / n^{\prime}=p q $

If $ p $ and $ q $ are irrational, the same result is obtained by first replacing $ p $ and $ q $ by approximate rational numbers $ p_{r} $ and $ q_{r} $ respectively, and then letting $ p_{r} $ and $ q_{r} $ tend to $ p $ and $ q $. 下面是中文叙述:

首先我们定义边长为单位长度的正方形的面积为单位1, 如果边的长度单位是cm,则对应的面积单位就定义成cm2,单位是毫米(mm)、分米(dm)、米(m)、千米(km)等也可以作相应的定义,此处不再赘述。封闭区域内的面积是用该区域内含多少个面积为单位1的正方形来计量的6。如果矩形两条邻边的长度分别是ab个单位长度(这里ab都是正整数),那么矩形面积就是a ⋅ b个单位1(这个结论的合理性如下图所示), 或者简单地说面积等于乘积ab

C:\Users\i\Pictures\Area-Rectangle-Demonstration.jpg (1040×720).jpg7

如果相邻两边ab都是有理数,我们把ab表示为$a = \frac{m}{n},b = \frac{m^{\ ^{'}}}{n^{\ ^{'}}}$,其中m, n, m , n 都是正整数,取两条边的共度单位(common measure)$\frac{1}{N} = \frac{1}{nn^{\ ^{'}}}$,就有$a = mn^{\ ^{'}} \cdot \frac{1}{N},b = nm^{\ ^{'}} \cdot \frac{1}{N}$,然后就可以把要求面积的这个矩形分解成nm  ⋅ mn 个边长为$\frac{1}{N}$的小正方形,由于每个的面积是$\frac{1}{N^{2}}$(将面积为单位1的正方形的长和宽都N等分,那么这个正方形就被等分成了N2个边长为$\frac{1}{N}$的小正方形,显然每个小正方形的面积就是面积为单位1的正方形的$\frac{1}{N^{2}}$),所以该矩形的面积就是$nm^{\ ^{'}}mn^{\ ^{'}} \cdot \frac{1}{N^{2}} = \frac{m}{n} \cdot \frac{m^{\ ^{'}}}{n^{\ ^{'}}} = a \cdot b$,所以相邻两边ab都是有理数的矩形其面积仍然是ab;如果ab是无理数,那么可以分别找到有理数数列{an}{bn}分别逼近ab,换句话说我们可以找到一系列边长分别为有理数anbn的矩形去无限地近似代表要求面积的矩形,根据上一条结论“两邻边为有理数长度的矩形其面积等于这两个有理数的乘积”知道这每个矩形的面积就是anbn,当anbn分别越来越接近ab时,其所代表的矩形也就越来越接近边长为ab的矩形,所以这一系列矩形面积的数列{anbn}的极限ab就是两邻边至少有一边是无理数时的矩形面积。综上所述,矩形的两邻边长度ab无论是有理数还是无理数,其面积都是ab 8

  1. The Irrationals, Julian Havil, p19↩︎

  2. Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Volume I, Reprint of the 1989 edition, Richard Courant, Fritz John, p5↩︎

  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem↩︎

  4. What Is Mathematics? Second Edition, Courant and Robbins, p399↩︎

  5. https://www.goteachmaths.co.uk/area-of-a-rectangle/↩︎

  6. Richard Courant, Fritz John, Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Volume I, Reprint of the 1989 edition, p120↩︎

  7. https://www.goteachmaths.co.uk/area-of-a-rectangle/↩︎

  8. What Is Mathematics? Second Edition, Courant and Robbins, p399-400↩︎
